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Videos on the Djerba conservative Heritage

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Visit the menzel garden
The menzel is the enclosure that includes all components of the habitat, economy and crafts Djerbians, in a large garden intelligently thought.

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Visit the houch
The typical dwelling, called in Djerba houch, looks like a small fortress and has an exteriorly closed architecture. The rooms are all structured around the inner courtyard

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Visit the olive oil mill
Djerbian people already exported olive oil during the Roman era. The olive oil mills or maasara, with a very recognisable architecture, were built underground to keep an ideal temperature for the oil fabrication because the harvests were during the winter.

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Visit of the weaving workshop
The reputation of the wool woven in Djerba has exceeded the country's borders since the Middle Ages. The weaving workshops were numerous on the island easily recognisable with its triangular pediment

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Visit of the pottery workshop
The pottery de Guellala remonte à l'époque de l'antiquité, les quelques ateliers restant à Djerba produisent encore ces étonnantes jarres dans des ateliers à l'architecture si particulière et adaptée au micro-climat de l'île.

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Visit of the traditional menzel
Discover life in the heart of a Menzel with the houch, traditional house and garden. Reporting in the context of the show for children "Yatou TV" for France 3 Corsica.

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The work of the weaver
Discovery the work of the weaver, preparation of wool, weaving coverage silk and cotton. Reporting in the context of the show for children "Yatou TV" for France 3 Corsica.

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 The houch  The olive oil mill  The pottery  The weaving  Dossiers et documents  Information